"Computers will never take the place of
books. You can't stand on a floppy disk to
reach a high shelf." - Sam Ewing
books. You can't stand on a floppy disk to
reach a high shelf." - Sam Ewing
This image speaks a lot. Yes. It really does. Its not just about the comic sense, its more..much more than that. I always felt that the only field where books took over the entertainment industry relates to the plays we read in school. Long ago when masters like Shakespeare wrote plays..it was not meant for readers but for the audience. Now, after decades we find the audience material wrapped up in text books that students are required to study as part of the syllabus. Well the electronic media has long taken the revenge in the guise of e-books. Though I find e-books less convenient. Now, this image gave me another such 'field'.. of course you cannot stand on disks to reach a higher shelf!
Anyways, a few months back I read a book called "Five Point Someone" by Chetan Bhagat. I loved reading the book so much that I completely gave into reading. I decided to keep at least one book reserved anytime so that I could read it in my leisure. So, this way it went and I read thrillers, horror, detective novels and works of humour. Even though I didn't get too much involved in reading books, it was a good feeling to know that at anytime I had an interesting book to spend time with. It's amazing how one can love reading books even after dreading the species all through school life!Reading surely helped me realize where I stood in terms of vocabulary, but it also helped me, and it continues to help me, improve my vocabulary.
Another way reading proved helpful was that now I spend less time on the computer to make room for my hobby. Everyone knows how cutting down computer usage can be beneficial - for both the user and the environment!
Until next time..
hiiii...just wanted to say...very well done...its really inspiring for those people to start reading books, who think of books as useless,boring,and worthy to be touched only for passing exams.being an ardent "bookworm", i really appreciate your views!