2. Haircut
3. Clean laptop
4. Replace batteries
5. Write a new post
It was past midnight. The clock struck 1 as I made a mental note of 'must do tasks for next weekend'. The 7th day of my week (Sunday - the day even God chose to rest :)) had ended and Monday had already set in.
My mind already knew that the mental list it was making was just for the sake of making one - probably to get the feeling of a busy weekend ahead. It's generally on Sunday nights that i find it difficult to sleep early - the weekend brings in the change.
The list eventually gets revisited from time to time (subconsciously) and the contents are never the same! The tasks are also never completed. Some that gain priority are done automatically - often even before the weekend arrives. Some tasks are just there on the list for the sake of being on a 'to-do' list. These get postponed every time until they find their way out of the list, unsuccessful!
When we are busy and start craving for some free time, that's when we start looking for things that could give a sense of satisfaction; something that we would look forward to and that keeps us going with what we are currently doing.
For example, whenever I would be dealing with exams in school, I would have at least 10 things popping up in my mind that I would want to do once the exams get over. However, remembering what all I wanted to do was never on the list!
It's not about the to-do list and it's not about things that must be done. Important tasks get done anyway - they don't need a list!
I therefore, keep on making mental to-do lists, which I am sure would never see sufficient ticks - without feeling guilty (Kills a lot of time). My to-do list thus becomes my ta-da list! That is what keeps me going all through the week after all! :)p.s. I never new this post would come up on weekend! It was written on a rainy day at work and was saved as a draft. The list above actually has this as task no.5...coincidence?
Until next time..
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